Family Memories


Family Tree

Go to, click on family tree, then enter Louis Chuver to search for the tree that I have started creating. Once you have the tree on your screen, the index tab will show you the names of the people already entered. Click on one of those for more information.
I have already sent invitations to some family members to contribute and help fill in the blanks on the tree. If you have not received one and would like to be included, contact me via email at and I'll add you to the list.


Babysitter, Not!

submitted by Jean

I was the first baby in Dad's crowd. He took me everywhere; to work, to the baseball game, to the pool hall. I remember at the Hat factory I played under the big tables where they sorted the boxes. At the pool hall I played under the pool tables and at the ball field while he played, I was under the stands playing with the broken glass.

I have a bump on the bridge of my nose. When he was home supposedly watching me (a toddler) he tied a rope around my waist and If I got too far away, he would pull me back!!!

That ain't funny

submitted by Jean

At their 50th wedding Anniversary, Zazy had the mike and started telling his stories. We had a tape recorder on the table and when we played the tape all through the dialogue you could hear Grandma saying under her breath "That ain't funny, Louie!"

On our (Mil, Jean, Mom and Dad) Cruise to the Caribbean in 1978, Mom and I were going down the gangplank while Dad and Milford were on the deck above. When the gangplank started swinging, Mom yelled back ..."Stop that, Louie!" Dad wasn't guilty of mischief but he took the blame anyway.

Sweet Hearts

submitted by Jean

Dad died in August, 1997, just a few days before their 70th wedding anniversary.
But he wasn't always a good boy!

I remember sitting in the living room on Kingsbury, the front door opens and a hat comes sailing in. After a few moments Dad comes in.
I said "What?" and he said when I left for work this morning, Mom was mad at me,
so if the hat came back at me, she was still mad!!!

He was the "Life of the Party! He always drank too much,
and often would go on the stage and play drums,much to the consternation of shy Cele.

One year on Valentines Day Dad brought Mom a giant purple box of cheap chocolates. He had forgotten to get something, so on the way home from downtown, he stopped at a drug store and that was all they had left.


About the Photo Albums

Check out the link on the right for Chuver and Schmidt photo albums. I have started uploading images that Jean organized. It will take a while to get them all in there, so check the link more than once. The collection will grow over time.


Magic Tricks

Came across a picture of what appears to be the disappearing thumbs trick. It's hard to tell who is more amused...Sam or Zazy.


In Spirit

My parakeet PIP died two days ago. My thoughts on that day were about the simple life he led, happily chirping away at his mirror image all day long and the pleasant times we shared when I would let him fly around the bathroom while I cleaned his cage. Today I am amused by memories of Pete, Zazy's amazing parakeet that he had when I was young. The thoughts of Pete lead me back to memories of Grandma and Zazy, a frequent occurence.
I wonder if the British medium and clairvoyant Lisa Williams is for real, the one with the television show on Lifetime. She intimates that many people have spirits of loved ones who have passed on (among others) that hover around the living. As often as my memories and feelings for Grandma and Zazy present themselves, I believe they are hovering around me as well. They made a strong and positive impact on my life during the time we shared. It hasn't stopped with their passing.